Volunteer with Community Futures Cowichan
At Community Futures Cowichan, we have supported economic development in the Cowichan Region since 1987. We help businesses start and expand and we get involved in economic and community development projects. As a not-for-profit corporation, our strength comes from our volunteer Board and Committees.
If you have a background or interest in small business development, finance, economic and social development OR if you care about helping create a bright economic future for our community, then we are looking for someone like you!
Board of Directors
Board Chair
With over 10 years of business development experience, Matthew has a reputation for accelerating company growth and exceeding operational goals. He owns two local Panago Pizza locations - Duncan and Mill Bay.
Simultaneously, Matthew became a fixture in the Cowichan Valley through his generous donations, fundraisers and community involvement. He is committed to creating positive change and believes in a prosperous and sustainable community.
In addition to his CFC role Matthew is a weekly volunteer at Nourish Cowichan, a grass-roots organization dedicated to providing nutritious meals to school children in the Cowichan Valley.
Contact Cathy Robertson, General Manager, at 250-746-1004 or crobertson@cfcowichan.ca to discuss volunteer opportunities.
Committee Members
Business Development Committee - (BDC)
- Matthew Huotari, Chair
- Kevin Gamble
- Shannon Roome
- Al Jackson
- Janice John-Mitchell
- Koran Palmer
- Graeme Service
- Derek Gullmes
Finance & Audit Committee
- Victor Gamble, Chair
Executive Committee
- Matthew Huotari, Board and BDC Chair
- Victor Gamble, Treasurer and Finance & Audit Committee Chair
Governance Committee
- Victor Gamble
- Matthew Huotari

Volunteer of the Year 2024
Matthew Huotari
Matthew joined Community Futures Cowichan in 2019 when he walked through the door asking if there were any volunteer opportunities. Since then, he’s grown into two leadership roles; in 2021 becoming the Business Development Committee Chair and in 2023 he took the opportunity to be our Board Chair.
His real-life experience of owning, operating, selling and buying businesses has been so valuable to our organization. Matt’s insight and depth of questioning create valuable learning opportunities for fellow volunteers and staff. Under his leadership we have a new fresh strategic plan; developed, resourced and offered more business support programs.
In addition to volunteering with CFC, he is a fixture within the Cowichan Valley through his generous donations, fundraisers and community involvement.
Previous Members of the Year
- 2023: Victor Gamble
- 2022: Florie Varga
- 2021: Moira Hauk
- 2020: Janna Jorgensen
- 2019: Dana Thorne
- 2018: Sarah Morden
- 2017: Ronnie Doman
- 2016: Mark Marcil
- 2015: Bob Annis
- 2014: Sheila Service
- 2013: Mike Evans
- 2012: Dave Jackson
- 2011: Greg Clifford
- 2010: Gordon Holyer
- 2009: Geoff Millar
- 2008: Tek Manhas
- 2007: Doug Allan