Playing a Key Role
Our Community Futures plays a key role in working alongside other local and regional leaders for the development of a sustainable community and economy.
Along with our community partners, we support and invest in activities and projects to help make the Cowichan resilient and vibrant.

Current and Recent Projects

June 2018 - November 2018
Duncan Highway Corridor Project
The Duncan Highway Corridor Project was an initiative to determine if there is a new way for businesses to work together and come together with important stakeholders like governments, citizens and other organizations to improve the area as a place to own and operate a business. The Project concluded with no formal group being organized, but the process had significant value in highlighting the concerns of operators and owners. These concerns were the basis of the Final Report and has been used to inform steps that local Governments have taken to address the issues in the area.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the BC Rural Dividend Fund.

April 2019- December 2023
Building Destinations and Recreational Trails in the Cowichan Lake Region
Recreation trails are catalysts for economic and community development. Trail networks across BC are strengthening the link between traditional tourism and the trend towards outdoor recreation. Trails boost local economic activity while positively impacting community through social development, education, healthy active living and environmental sustainability.
This project is in the third and final phase to bring resources to the Community for building trails to fulfill the vision to make the region a world-class trail destination. Working with the Cowichan Lake Trailblazers, there will be financial and in-kind support for trail building training and equipment; a Land Use Agreement with Mosaic Forest Management; designing and installing signs and maps, and programs to help local businesses benefit from increased tourism activity.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the BC Rural Development Dividend Fund.

February 2018 to July 2018
Cowichan Lake Region Tourism Action Plan
Cowichan Lake Region Tourism Action Plan was a regional collaboration of western Cowichan communities to seize the economic opportunity from the increasing demand for tourism experience in the Region.
This was Phase 2, to identify what to specifically focus on for Tourism Products and Infrastructure needed to develop tourism into a sustainable economic driver, by creating jobs, incentivizing new business start-ups and expansions and lengthening the tourism season. The Final Report became the detailed Action Plan for Phase 3.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the BC Rural Dividend Fund.

Past Projects

Ladysmith Maritime Society Visitor Facilities Project
With our assistance, the Ladysmith Maritime Society secured $250,000 from the West Coast Community Adjustment Program (WCCAP) to help fund their $1.6 million visitor facilities upgrade and expansion project.
Completed in March 2012, the facility is expected to draw an additional 1,350 tourists annually within five years of completion, providing an economic impact of $500,000 annually for the Town of Ladysmith and the surrounding Cowichan Region.

Osborne Bay Sea-Trail Network
With our assistance, the Municipality of North Quw'utsun (Cowichan) secured a $250,000 WCCAP grant to build the third and final stage of the Crofton Seawalk and complete a sea-trail network running from Maple Bay to Osborne Bay.
The $250,000 helped the Municipality leverage an additional $550,000 to complete the construction, which extended the existing walkway an additional 210 meters, constructed on pilings in the ocean, rather than along the foreshore and high water zone in order to protect the sensitive foreshore region.
The Marine Trail was upgraded to include an access point for kayakers, including a secure lock-up for kayaks and canoes, overnight parking, designated area for campsites for overnight stays, basic washroom facilities and welcoming and directional signage.
Areas within the foot trail saw additional clearing, ground proofing, railings, enforced walkways, and additional signage.

Cowichan Wooden Boat Society Maritime Museum Expansion
With our assistance, the Cowichan Wooden Boat Society secured $250,000 in project funding to expand their marine museum and Interpretive Centre in Cowichan Bay. The new addition to their facilities was built using timber frame construction, and is in itself an attraction in Cowichan Bay. The new facility opened to the public in November 2011.

Kinsol Trestle Capital Campaign
The Kinsol Trestle project was a major project for us from 2009 to 2011. We provided administrative support to the Quw'utsun (Cowichan) Valley Regional District (CVRD) for marketing and community fundraising. The trestle was restored to its former glory and opened to the public in July 2011.
It has attracted locals and tourists alike every single day since it reopened, and completed the “missing link” in the section of the Trans Canada Trail between Shawnigan Lake and the Town of Lake Cowichan.